The last of us generator key card. He closed his door.

Lumen Key Generator Commands. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. There is a variable APPKEY just like there is in Laravel. Run this from your local or a remote command line to generate a random 32-character Lumen APPKEY.

  1. Lumen Generate App Key
  2. Laravel App Key
  1. Mar 15, 2020 Lumen Generator. Do you miss any Laravel code generator on your Lumen project? If yes, then you're in the right place. To use some generators command in Lumen (just like you do in Laravel), you need to add this package.
  2. Generate secret key. I have included a helper command to generate a key for you: php artisan jwt:secret This will update your.env file with something like JWTSECRET=foobar. It is the key that will be used to sign your tokens. How that happens exactly will depend on the algorithm that you choose to use.


Laravel's encrypter uses OpenSSL to provide AES-256 and AES-128 encryption. You are strongly encouraged to use Laravel's built-in encryption facilities and not attempt to roll your own 'home grown' encryption algorithms. All of Laravel's encrypted values are signed using a message authentication code (MAC) so that their underlying value can not be modified once encrypted.


Lumen Generate App Key

Before using Laravel's encrypter, you must set a key option in your config/app.php configuration file. You should use the php artisan key:generate command to generate this key since this Artisan command will use PHP's secure random bytes generator to build your key. If this value is not properly set, all values encrypted by Laravel will be insecure.

Using The Encrypter

Encrypting A Value

You may encrypt a value using the encrypt helper. All encrypted values are encrypted using OpenSSL and the AES-256-CBC cipher. Furthermore, all encrypted values are signed with a message authentication code (MAC) to detect any modifications to the encrypted string:

Laravel App Key

Encrypting Without Serialization

Encrypted values are passed through serialize during encryption, which allows for encryption of objects and arrays. Thus, non-PHP clients receiving encrypted values will need to unserialize the data. If you would like to encrypt and decrypt values without serialization, you may use the encryptString and decryptString methods of the Crypt facade:

Decrypting A Value

You may decrypt values using the decrypt helper. If the value can not be properly decrypted, such as when the MAC is invalid, an IlluminateContractsEncryptionDecryptException will be thrown: