Ps = con.prepareStatement(insert, Statement.RETURNGENERATEDKEYS); Note: you may need to use one of the other generated keys prepare methods (prepareStatement(sql, columnIndexes) or prepareStatement(sql, columnNames)) as Oracle will return the ROWID with the method in my example.

By Yashwant Chavan, Views 68064, Last updated on 13-Feb-2019

Spring provides an easy way to get this auto-generated key using KeyHolder which is supported Spring JDBC 3 onwards. For this tutorial we will create a standalone maven project in Eclipse. If you already have an idea on how to create a maven project in Eclipse will be great otherwise I will tell you here how to create a maven project in Eclipse. Command to generate ssh key on cisco router. Spring Boot GeneratedKeyHolder tutorial shows how to get auto-generated Ids from JDBC inserts. GeneratedKeyHolder is used to hold auto-generated keys potentionally returend from JDBC insert. Nov 07, 2013  How to Get Auto Generated ID in Spring JDBC Spring KeyHolder Example. For a programmer getting auto generated id of a newly inserted row in table is a little bit tricky. In this page we will learn how the spring provides an easy way to get that. Spring provides KeyHolder which helps to get auto generated key. KeyHolder is supported by JDBC 3.0. For a programmer getting auto generated id of a newly inserted row in table is a little bit tricky. In this page we will learn how the spring provides an easy way to get that. Spring provides KeyHolder which helps to get auto generated key. KeyHolder is supported by JDBC 3.0.

JDBC 3.0 introduced to get auto generated keys using getGeneratedKeys() method, It return the ResultSet object with the help of next() method of result set we retrieve the auto generated key value.

How generate ssh key mac. tags java

Mysql Auto generated Key Value

Sometimes we need to retrive auto generated key for the inserted statement. Refer the below example to get the Auto generated emp_id column value using JDBC.Get the Statement from Jdbc Connection. Statement object use to sending SQL statements to the database.

Executes the below program, Which insert the record in the trn_employee table. After record insertion it return the auto generated primary key value

getGeneratedKeys() method returns the ResultSet object and from that we retrive the primary key number.

Note : On Every execution of program , it generates next auto incremented number.




is missing from the executeUpdate


Hi there! I am founder of and programming enthusiast. My skills includes Java,J2EE, Spring Framework, Nodejs, PHP and lot more. If you have any idea that you would want me to develop? Lets connect: yashwantchavan[at][]

HowToDoInJavaBy Lokesh Gupta Filed Under: Spring JDBC

In this tutorial, I am giving an example of using custom SQL scripts in spring application to initialize the database at startup of application with appropriate tables and data populated inside it. I am using HQLDB (in-memory database) for backend DB in this example.

SQL Scripts

Very first step is to have your SQL statements in one SQL file (saved with .sql extension). Place it inside resource folder so that it can be picked up from classpath in runtime.


Include Spring JDBC dependency

Now add Spring JDBC dependencies in pom.xml file.

And add schema declaration in application-context.xml file.

Adding jdbc:initialize-database tag

Now add the scripts, placed in classpath to project, to datasource using jdbc:initialize-database tag.

Great !! Now you are good to start your application. Spring will automatically detect the DB script file and execute it once datasource is ready.

Complete Configuration

Let’s look at complete configuration file for reference in future.

Let me know if you face any problem in adding SQL scripts through Spring JDBC using jdbc:initialize-database.

Spring Jdbc Insert Sql Get Generated Key Download

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Spring Jdbc Insert Sql Get Generated Key Free

Happy Learning !!

Spring Jdbc Insert Sql Get Generated Key Download
