May 13, 2013  The key is the secret that must never be accessible to a hacker and the input is the challenge. This means that OTP is a challenge response authentication. The secret key must be 20 bytes at least; the challenge is usually a counter of 8 bytes which. / Generate Root Tokens Using Unseal Keys Vault Reference Architecture 8 min This guide provides guidance in the best practices of Vault implementations through use of a reference architecture.

  1. User.generate_otp_secret Must Specify A Key Lyrics
  2. User.generate_otp_secret Must Specify A Key Video
  3. User.generate_otp_secret Must Specify A Key Lyrics

About Django Secret Key Generator. The Django Secret Key Generator is used to generate a new SECRETKEY that you can put in your module. If you copy an encrypted DB snapshot that is shared from another AWS account, then you must specify a value for this parameter. If you specify this parameter when you copy an unencrypted snapshot, the copy is encrypted. If you copy an encrypted snapshot to a different AWS Region, then you must specify a KMS key for the destination AWS Region. Akka.dll Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations.after manually signing the AKKA.DLL. But now when I use AKKA I get the following error: Akka.dll Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in. Feb 28, 2014  @yurifrl Could you please open a new issue for your problem if this is still causing you problems? If not, then no need to open a new issue. I just don't want your problem to hijack the thread of @heridev. Don't worry too much about bothering me on Twitter.

[ aws . rds ]


Copies the specified DB snapshot. The source DB snapshot must be in the 'available' state.

You can copy a snapshot from one AWS Region to another. In that case, the AWS Region where you call the CopyDBSnapshot action is the destination AWS Region for the DB snapshot copy.

For more information about copying snapshots, see Copying a DB Snapshot in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

See also: AWS API Documentation

See 'aws help' for descriptions of global parameters.



--source-db-snapshot-identifier (string)

The identifier for the source DB snapshot.

If the source snapshot is in the same AWS Region as the copy, specify a valid DB snapshot identifier. For example, you might specify rds:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20130805 .

If the source snapshot is in a different AWS Region than the copy, specify a valid DB snapshot ARN. For example, you might specify arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20130805 .

If you are copying from a shared manual DB snapshot, this parameter must be the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the shared DB snapshot.

If you are copying an encrypted snapshot this parameter must be in the ARN format for the source AWS Region, and must match the SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier in the PreSignedUrl parameter.


  • Must specify a valid system snapshot in the 'available' state.

Example: rds:mydb-2012-04-02-00-01

Example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20130805

--target-db-snapshot-identifier (string)

The identifier for the copy of the snapshot.


  • Can't be null, empty, or blank
  • Must contain from 1 to 255 letters, numbers, or hyphens
  • First character must be a letter
  • Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens

User.generate_otp_secret Must Specify A Key Lyrics

Example: my-db-snapshot

--kms-key-id (string)

The AWS KMS key ID for an encrypted DB snapshot. The KMS key ID is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), KMS key identifier, or the KMS key alias for the KMS encryption key.

If you copy an encrypted DB snapshot from your AWS account, you can specify a value for this parameter to encrypt the copy with a new KMS encryption key. If you don't specify a value for this parameter, then the copy of the DB snapshot is encrypted with the same KMS key as the source DB snapshot.

If you copy an encrypted DB snapshot that is shared from another AWS account, then you must specify a value for this parameter.

If you specify this parameter when you copy an unencrypted snapshot, the copy is encrypted.

If you copy an encrypted snapshot to a different AWS Region, then you must specify a KMS key for the destination AWS Region. KMS encryption keys are specific to the AWS Region that they are created in, and you can't use encryption keys from one AWS Region in another AWS Region.

--tags (list)

A list of tags. For more information, see Tagging Amazon RDS Resources in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Shorthand Syntax:

JSON Syntax:

--copy-tags--no-copy-tags (boolean)

A value that indicates whether to copy all tags from the source DB snapshot to the target DB snapshot. By default, tags are not copied.

--pre-signed-url (string)

The URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request for the CopyDBSnapshot API action in the source AWS Region that contains the source DB snapshot to copy.

You must specify this parameter when you copy an encrypted DB snapshot from another AWS Region by using the Amazon RDS API. Don't specify PreSignedUrl when you are copying an encrypted DB snapshot in the same AWS Region.

The presigned URL must be a valid request for the CopyDBSnapshot API action that can be executed in the source AWS Region that contains the encrypted DB snapshot to be copied. The presigned URL request must contain the following parameter values:

  • DestinationRegion - The AWS Region that the encrypted DB snapshot is copied to. This AWS Region is the same one where the CopyDBSnapshot action is called that contains this presigned URL. For example, if you copy an encrypted DB snapshot from the us-west-2 AWS Region to the us-east-1 AWS Region, then you call the CopyDBSnapshot action in the us-east-1 AWS Region and provide a presigned URL that contains a call to the CopyDBSnapshot action in the us-west-2 AWS Region. For this example, the DestinationRegion in the presigned URL must be set to the us-east-1 AWS Region.
  • KmsKeyId - The AWS KMS key identifier for the key to use to encrypt the copy of the DB snapshot in the destination AWS Region. This is the same identifier for both the CopyDBSnapshot action that is called in the destination AWS Region, and the action contained in the presigned URL.
  • SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier - The DB snapshot identifier for the encrypted snapshot to be copied. This identifier must be in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format for the source AWS Region. For example, if you are copying an encrypted DB snapshot from the us-west-2 AWS Region, then your SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier looks like the following example: arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:snapshot:mysql-instance1-snapshot-20161115 .

To learn how to generate a Signature Version 4 signed request, see Authenticating Requests: Using Query Parameters (AWS Signature Version 4) and Signature Version 4 Signing Process .


If you are using an AWS SDK tool or the AWS CLI, you can specify SourceRegion (or --source-region for the AWS CLI) instead of specifying PreSignedUrl manually. Specifying SourceRegion autogenerates a pre-signed URL that is a valid request for the operation that can be executed in the source AWS Region.

--option-group-name (string)

The name of an option group to associate with the copy of the snapshot.

Specify this option if you are copying a snapshot from one AWS Region to another, and your DB instance uses a nondefault option group. If your source DB instance uses Transparent Data Encryption for Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, you must specify this option when copying across AWS Regions. For more information, see Option Group Considerations in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

--source-region (string)

The ID of the region that contains the snapshot to be copied.

--cli-input-json (string)Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided. The JSON string follows the format provided by --generate-cli-skeleton. If other arguments are provided on the command line, the CLI values will override the JSON-provided values. It is not possible to pass arbitrary binary values using a JSON-provided value as the string will be taken literally.

--generate-cli-skeleton (string)Prints a JSON skeleton to standard output without sending an API request. If provided with no value or the value input, prints a sample input JSON that can be used as an argument for --cli-input-json. If provided with the value output, it validates the command inputs and returns a sample output JSON for that command.

See 'aws help' for descriptions of global parameters.


To copy a DB snapshot

The following copy-db-snapshot example creates a copy of a DB snapshot.


For more information, see Copying a Snapshot in the Amazon RDS User Guide.


DBSnapshot -> (structure)

Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB snapshot.

This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBSnapshots action.

User.generate_otp_secret Must Specify A Key Video

DBSnapshotIdentifier -> (string)

DBInstanceIdentifier -> (string)

Specifies the DB instance identifier of the DB instance this DB snapshot was created from.

SnapshotCreateTime -> (timestamp)

Provides the time when the snapshot was taken, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Engine -> (string)

AllocatedStorage -> (integer)

Specifies the allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB).

Status -> (string)

Port -> (integer)

Specifies the port that the database engine was listening on at the time of the snapshot.

AvailabilityZone -> (string)

Specifies the name of the Availability Zone the DB instance was located in at the time of the DB snapshot.

VpcId -> (string)

Provides the VPC ID associated with the DB snapshot.

InstanceCreateTime -> (timestamp)

Specifies the time when the snapshot was taken, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

MasterUsername -> (string)

EngineVersion -> (string)

Specifies the version of the database engine.

LicenseModel -> (string)

License model information for the restored DB instance.

SnapshotType -> (string)

Iops -> (integer)

Generate ssh key in windows. Press Enter to create unencrypted key. If you’re the only one that uses the computer, this is safe.

Specifies the Provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value of the DB instance at the time of the snapshot.

OptionGroupName -> (string)

Provides the option group name for the DB snapshot.

PercentProgress -> (integer)

The percentage of the estimated data that has been transferred.

SourceRegion -> (string)

The AWS Region that the DB snapshot was created in or copied from.

SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier -> (string)

The DB snapshot Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that the DB snapshot was copied from. It only has value in case of cross-customer or cross-region copy.

User.generate_otp_secret Must Specify A Key Lyrics

StorageType -> (string)

Specifies the storage type associated with DB snapshot.

TdeCredentialArn -> (string)

The ARN from the key store with which to associate the instance for TDE encryption.

Encrypted -> (boolean)

KmsKeyId -> (string)

If Encrypted is true, the AWS KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB snapshot.

DBSnapshotArn -> (string)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB snapshot.

Timezone -> (string)

The time zone of the DB snapshot. In most cases, the Timezone element is empty. Timezone content appears only for snapshots taken from Microsoft SQL Server DB instances that were created with a time zone specified.

IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled -> (boolean)

True if mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts is enabled, and otherwise false.

ProcessorFeatures -> (list)

The number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the DB instance class of the DB instance when the DB snapshot was created.


Contains the processor features of a DB instance class.

To specify the number of CPU cores, use the coreCount feature name for the Name parameter. To specify the number of threads per core, use the threadsPerCore feature name for the Name parameter.

You can set the processor features of the DB instance class for a DB instance when you call one of the following actions:

  • CreateDBInstance
  • ModifyDBInstance
  • RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot
  • RestoreDBInstanceFromS3
  • RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime

You can view the valid processor values for a particular instance class by calling the DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions action and specifying the instance class for the DBInstanceClass parameter.

In addition, you can use the following actions for DB instance class processor information:

  • DescribeDBInstances
  • DescribeDBSnapshots
  • DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications

For more information, see Configuring the Processor of the DB Instance Class in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Name -> (string)

The name of the processor feature. Valid names are coreCount and threadsPerCore .

Value -> (string)

DbiResourceId -> (string)

The identifier for the source DB instance, which can't be changed and which is unique to an AWS Region.

Whether you're using an Oracle client (see Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface) or a client you built yourself, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a user in IAM for the person or system who will be calling the API, and put that user in at least one IAM group with any desired permissions. See Adding Users. You can skip this if the user exists already.
  2. Get these items:

    • RSA key pair in PEM format (minimum 2048 bits). See How to Generate an API Signing Key.
    • Fingerprint of the public key. See How to Get the Key's Fingerprint.
    • Tenancy's OCID and user's OCID. See Where to Get the Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID.
  3. Upload the public key from the key pair in the Console. See How to Upload the Public Key.
  4. If you're using one of the Oracle SDKs or tools, supply the required credentials listed above in either a configuration file or a config object in the code. See SDK and CLI Configuration File. If you're instead building your own client, see Request Signatures.

This key pair is not the SSH key that you use to access compute instances. See Security Credentials.

Both the private key and public key must be in PEM format (not SSH-RSA format). The public key in PEM format looks something like this:

How to Generate an API Signing Key

You can use the following OpenSSL commands to generate the key pair in the required PEM format. If you're using Windows, you'll need to install Git Bash for Windows and run the commands with that tool.

  1. If you haven't already, create a .oci directory to store the credentials:

  2. Generate the private key with one of the following commands.

    • Recommended: To generate the key, encrypted with a passphrase you provide when prompted:

      Note: For Windows, you may need to insert -passout stdin to be prompted for a passphrase. The prompt will just be the blinking cursor, with no text.

    • To generate the key with no passphrase:

  3. Ensure that only you can read the private key file:

  4. Generate the public key:

    Note: For Windows, if you generated the private key with a passphrase, you may need to insert -passin stdin to be prompted for the passphrase. The prompt will just be the blinking cursor, with no text.

  5. Copy the contents of the public key to the clipboard using pbcopy, xclip or a similar tool (you'll need to paste the value into the Console later). For example:

Your API requests will be signed with your private key, and Oracle will use the public key to verify the authenticity of the request. You must upload the public key to IAM (instructions below).

How to Get the Key's Fingerprint

You can get the key's fingerprint with the following OpenSSL command. If you're using Windows, you'll need to install Git Bash for Windows and run the command with that tool.

When you upload the public key in the Console, the fingerprint is also automatically displayed there. It looks something like this: 12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef

Where to Get the Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID

Both OCIDs are in the Console, which is located at If you don't have a login and password for the Console, contact an administrator. If you're not familiar with OCIDs, see Resource Identifiers.

Tenancy's OCID

Get the tenancy OCID from the Oracle Cloud InfrastructureConsole on the Tenancy Details page:

  1. Open the navigation menu, underGovernance and Administration, go to Administration and click Tenancy Details.

  2. The tenancy OCID is shown under Tenancy Information. Click Copy to copy it to your clipboard.

User's OCID

Get the user's OCID in the Console on the page showing the user's details. To get to that page:

  • If you're signed in as the user: Open the Profile menu () and click User Settings.
  • If you're an administrator doing this for another user: Open the navigation menu. Under Governance and Administration, go to Identity and click Users. Select the user from the list.
  • The user OCID is shown under User Information. Click Copy to copy it to your clipboard.

How to Upload the Public Key

You can upload the PEM public key in the Console, located at If you don't have a login and password for the Console, contact an administrator.

If you now persist a new Author entity, Hibernate will use the auto-incremented database column to generate the primary key value. You can see that in the log file if you activate the logging for SQL statements. Databases handle auto-incremented columns very efficiently. =specify autoincrement attribute for primary key. On a further advanced usage, you can make use of TABLE strategy GenerationType.TABLE where you can specify the primary key from a separate table and you can specify this table as @TableGenerator. Hibernate also has a generation strategy: native. It appropriately selects the generation strategy based upon the underlying database's capability. As you’ve seen, you can also use UUIDs as primary keys and let Hibernate handle the value generation. Hibernate’s UUIDGenerator supports the creation of version 1 and version 4 UUIDs as defined by IETF RFC 4122. By default, it generates version 4 UUIDs which is a good fit for most use cases. AUTO: Hibernate selects the generation strategy based on the used dialect, IDENTITY: Hibernate relies on an auto-incremented database column to generate the primary key, SEQUENCE: Hibernate requests the primary key value from a database sequence, TABLE: Hibernate uses a. Auto primary key generator in hibernate windows 10.

  1. Open the Console, and sign in.
  2. View the details for the user who will be calling the API with the key pair:

    • If you're signed in as the user: Open the Profile menu () and click User Settings.
    • If you're an administrator doing this for another user: Open the navigation menu. Under Governance and Administration, go to Identity and click Users. Select the user from the list.
  3. Click Add Public Key.
  4. Paste the contents of the PEM public key in the dialog box and click Add.

The key's fingerprint is displayed (for example, 12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef).

Notice that after you've uploaded your first public key, you can also use the UploadApiKey API operation to upload additional keys. You can have up to three API key pairs per user. In an API request, you specify the key's fingerprint to indicate which key you're using to sign the request.