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Generate a RSA PEM key pair from pure JS

  1. Vue Js Generate Unique Key Holder


I had an issue that I'm using a v-for in Vue.js on a component, but in Vue 2.2+ you required:key to be set with a unique identifier. In my case the Array that it iterates over doesn't have any, so I had to generate one on demand (imagine a Bootstrap alerts manager component, e.g.). This will do just fine. #vuejs #v-for. To Nihat's point (above): Evan You has advised against using uid: 'The vm uid is reserved for internal use and it's important to keep it private (and not rely on it in user code) so that we keep the flexibility to change its behavior for potential future use cases. Understanding unique keys for array children in React.js. Your rows in JS array should have unique key. It is best to manually generate a unique identifier for. May 01, 2018  Since we haven’t opted to use the key attribute, Vue has not created unique bindings to each tweet node. As a result, when we’re aiming to reorder the tweets, Vue takes the more performant saving approach to simply change (or patch) data in each element. Since the temporary DOM state (that is, the inputted text) remains in place, we experience this.

So Vue is still controlling the h1 element because it holds a copy of the template, and when Vue reacts to changes in the data property, it updates the virtual DOM and thereafter the DOM itself. Therefore you should be careful with applying changes to the DOM directly like this, as any changes you apply may be overwritten if you are not careful. Jan 21, 2018  Vue.js Generate random number - Javascript VueJS- To generate random number in vue.js we can use native JavaScript Math.random function to generate random number. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how you can use Math.random function in vuejs. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.



Performance greatly depends on the bit size of the generated private key. With 1024 bits you get a key in 0.5s-2s, with 2048 bits it takes 8s-20s, on the same machine. As this will block the event loop while generating the key,make sure that's ok or to spawn a child process or run it inside a webworker.

Pro Tip: authorized_keys

@maxogden found out how to use this module to create entries for the authorized_keys file:



Get an RSA PEM key pair.

opts can be

  • bits: the size for the private key in bits. Default: 2048.
  • e: the public exponent to use. Default: 65537.


With npm do


To digitalbazaar for theirforge project, this library is merely awrapper around some of forge's functions.



To generate random number in vue.js we can use native JavaScript Math.random() function to generate random number. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how you can use Math.random() function in vuejs. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Vue.js Generate random number JavaScript- VueJS Example

You can generate random number in vue.js simply as below-

Output of above example-

Vue js generate unique key west


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Vue Js Generate Unique Key Holder

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