1. Generate Private Key And Pfx Credentials Password
  2. C# Generate Pfx Certificate

Nov 29, 2019  Configuration Manager allows you to create a PFX certificate profile using credentials issued by a certificate authority. You can choose Microsoft or Entrust as your certificate authority. When deployed to user devices, PFX files generate user-specific. How/where to obtain a.p12 key file from the Google Developers Console? Ask Question Asked 6 years ago. Go to APIs & auth Credentials; Click on Create new Client ID. Open Certificate and click on Generate Certificate and download the.p12 private key. Sep 03, 2018 This is the password that was configured when the PFX file was first generated. View the generated private key to see if it is encrypted. If the first line of the private key file contains the text BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY, it is encrypted and you must decrypt it before proceeding. Execute the following command to decrypt the private key. Jul 09, 2019  If you need to obtain the Private Key to install your Certificate on a different server, you can export the key in a password protected PFX (PKCS#12) file. To do that, open the MMC Certificates snap-in tools following these steps. The only solution would be to generate a new CSR/private key pair and reissue your certificate and to make sure.


Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)

Learn how to create a certificate profile that uses a certification authority for credentials. This article highlights specific information about personal information exchange (PFX) certificate profiles. For more information about how to create and configure these profiles, see Certificate profiles.

Configuration Manager allows you to create a PFX certificate profile using credentials issued by a certificate authority. You can choose Microsoft or Entrust as your certificate authority. When deployed to user devices, PFX files generate user-specific certificates to support encrypted data exchange.

To import certificate credentials from existing certificate files, see Import PFX certificate profiles.


Before you start creating a certificate profile, make sure the necessary prerequisites are ready. For more information, see Prerequisites for certificate profiles. For example, for PFX certificate profiles, you need a certificate registration point site system role.

Create a profile

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Assets and Compliance workspace, expand Compliance Settings, expand Company Resource Access, and then select Certificate Profiles.

  2. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Create group, select Create Certificate Profile.

  3. On the General page of the Create Certificate Profile Wizard, specify the following information:

    • Name: Enter a unique name for the certificate profile. You can use a maximum of 256 characters.

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    • Description: Provide a description that gives an overview of the certificate profile that helps to identify it in the Configuration Manager console. You can use a maximum of 256 characters.

  4. Select Personal Information Exchange - PKCS #12 (PFX) settings - Create. This option requests a certificate on behalf of a user from a connected on-premises certificate authority (CA). Choose your certificate authority: Microsoft or Entrust Datacard.


    The Import option gets information from an existing certificate to create a certificate profile. For more information, see Import PFX certificate profiles.

  5. On the Supported Platforms page, select the OS versions that this certificate profile supports. For more information on supported OS versions for your version of Configuration Manager, see Supported OS versions for clients and devices.

  6. On the Certificate Authorities page, choose the certificate registration point (CRP) to process the PFX certificates:

    1. Primary Site: Choose the server containing the CRP role for the CA.
    2. Certification authorities: Select the relevant CA.

    For more information, see Certificate infrastructure.

The settings on the PFX Certificate page vary depending on the selected CA on the General page:

Configure PFX Certificate settings for Microsoft CA

  1. For the Certificate template name, choose the certificate template.

  2. To use the certificate profile for S/MIME signing or encryption, enable Certificate usage.

    When you enable this option, it delivers all PFX certificates associated with the target user to all of their devices. If you don't enable this option, each device receives a unique certificate.

  3. Set Subject name format to either Common name or Fully-distinguished name. If you're unsure which one to use, contact your CA administrator.

  4. For the Subject alternative name, enable Email address and User principle name (UPN) as appropriate for your CA.

  5. Renewal threshold: Determines when certificates are automatically renewed, based on the percentage of time remaining before expiration.

  6. Set the Certificate validity period to the lifetime of the certificate.

  7. When the certificate registration point specifies Active Directory credentials, enable Active Directory publishing.

  8. If you selected one or more Windows 10 supported platforms:

    1. Set the Windows certificate store to User. (The Local Computer option doesn't deploy certificates, don't choose it.)

    2. Select one of the following Key Storage Provider (KSP):

      • Install to Trusted Platform Module (TPM) if present
      • Install to Trusted Platform Module (TPM) otherwise fail
      • Install to Windows Hello for Business otherwise fail
      • Install to Software Key Storage Provider
  9. Complete the wizard.

Configure PFX Certificate settings for Entrust Datacard CA

  1. For the Digital ID Configuration, choose the configuration profile. The Entrust administrator creates the digital ID configuration options.

  2. To use the certificate profile for S/MIME signing or encryption, enable Certificate usage.

    When you enable this option, it delivers all PFX certificates associated with the target user to all of their devices. If you don't enable this option, each device receives a unique certificate.

  3. To map Entrust Subject name format tokens to Configuration Manager fields, select Format.

    The Certificate Name Formatting dialog lists the Entrust Digital ID configuration variables. For each Entrust variable, choose the appropriate Configuration Manager fields.

  4. To map Entrust Subject Alternative Name tokens to supported LDAP variables, select Format.

    The Certificate Name Formatting dialog lists the Entrust Digital ID configuration variables. For each Entrust variable, choose the appropriate LDAP variable.

  5. Renewal threshold: Determines when certificates are automatically renewed, based on the percentage of time remaining before expiration.

  6. Set the Certificate validity period to the lifetime of the certificate.

  7. When the certificate registration point specifies Active Directory credentials, enable Active Directory publishing.

  8. If you selected one or more Windows 10 supported platforms:

    1. Set the Windows certificate store to User. (The Local Computer option doesn't deploy certificates, don't choose it.)

    2. Select one of the following Key Storage Provider (KSP):

      • Install to Trusted Platform Module (TPM) if present
      • Install to Trusted Platform Module (TPM) otherwise fail
      • Install to Windows Hello for Business otherwise fail
      • Install to Software Key Storage Provider
  9. Complete the wizard.

Deploy the profile

After you create a certificate profile, it's now available in the Certificate Profiles node. For more information on how to deploy it, see Deploy resource access profiles.

See also


Point-to-Site connections use certificates to authenticate. This article shows you how to create a self-signed root certificate and generate client certificates using PowerShell on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. If you are looking for different certificate instructions, see Certificates - Linux or Certificates - MakeCert.

You must perform the steps in this article on a computer running Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. The PowerShell cmdlets that you use to generate certificates are part of the operating system and do not work on other versions of Windows. The Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 computer is only needed to generate the certificates. Once the certificates are generated, you can upload them, or install them on any supported client operating system.

If you do not have access to a Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 computer, you can use MakeCert to generate certificates. The certificates that you generate using either method can be installed on any supported client operating system.

Create a self-signed root certificate

Use the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet to create a self-signed root certificate. For additional parameter information, see New-SelfSignedCertificate.

  1. From a computer running Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016, open a Windows PowerShell console with elevated privileges. These examples do not work in the Azure Cloud Shell 'Try It'. You must run these examples locally.

  2. Use the following example to create the self-signed root certificate. The following example creates a self-signed root certificate named 'P2SRootCert' that is automatically installed in 'Certificates-Current UserPersonalCertificates'. You can view the certificate by opening certmgr.msc, or Manage User Certificates.

  3. Leave the PowerShell console open if you want to create a client certificate right after creating this root certificate.

Generate a client certificate

Each client computer that connects to a VNet using Point-to-Site must have a client certificate installed. You generate a client certificate from the self-signed root certificate, and then export and install the client certificate. If the client certificate is not installed, authentication fails.

Generate Private Key And Pfx Credentials

The following steps walk you through generating a client certificate from a self-signed root certificate. You may generate multiple client certificates from the same root certificate. When you generate client certificates using the steps below, the client certificate is automatically installed on the computer that you used to generate the certificate. If you want to install a client certificate on another client computer, you can export the certificate.

The examples use the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet to generate a client certificate that expires in one year. For additional parameter information, such as setting a different expiration value for the client certificate, see New-SelfSignedCertificate.

Example 1 - PowerShell console session still open

Use this example if you have not closed your PowerShell console after creating the self-signed root certificate. This example continues from the previous section and uses the declared '$cert' variable. If you closed the PowerShell console after creating the self-signed root certificate, or are creating additional client certificates in a new PowerShell console session, use the steps in Example 2.

Generate Private Key And Pfx Credentials Password

Modify and run the example to generate a client certificate. If you run the following example without modifying it, the result is a client certificate named 'P2SChildCert'. If you want to name the child certificate something else, modify the CN value. Do not change the TextExtension when running this example. The client certificate that you generate is automatically installed in 'Certificates - Current UserPersonalCertificates' on your computer.

Example 2 - New PowerShell console session

If you are creating additional client certificates, or are not using the same PowerShell session that you used to create your self-signed root certificate, use the following steps:

  1. Identify the self-signed root certificate that is installed on the computer. This cmdlet returns a list of certificates that are installed on your computer.

  2. Locate the subject name from the returned list, then copy the thumbprint that is located next to it to a text file. In the following example, there are two certificates. The CN name is the name of the self-signed root certificate from which you want to generate a child certificate. In this case, 'P2SRootCert'.

  3. Declare a variable for the root certificate using the thumbprint from the previous step. Replace THUMBPRINT with the thumbprint of the root certificate from which you want to generate a child certificate.

    For example, using the thumbprint for P2SRootCert in the previous step, the variable looks like this:

  4. Modify and run the example to generate a client certificate. If you run the following example without modifying it, the result is a client certificate named 'P2SChildCert'. If you want to name the child certificate something else, modify the CN value. Do not change the TextExtension when running this example. The client certificate that you generate is automatically installed in 'Certificates - Current UserPersonalCertificates' on your computer.

Export the root certificate public key (.cer)

After creating a self-signed root certificate, export the root certificate public key .cer file (not the private key). You will later upload this file to Azure. The following steps help you export the .cer file for your self-signed root certificate:

  1. To obtain a .cer file from the certificate, open Manage user certificates. Locate the self-signed root certificate, typically in 'Certificates - Current UserPersonalCertificates', and right-click. Click All Tasks, and then click Export. This opens the Certificate Export Wizard. If you can't find the certificate under Current UserPersonalCertificates, you may have accidentally opened 'Certificates - Local Computer', rather than 'Certificates - Current User'). If you want to open Certificate Manager in current user scope using PowerShell, you type certmgr in the console window.

  2. In the Wizard, click Next.

  3. Select No, do not export the private key, and then click Next.

  4. On the Export File Format page, select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)., and then click Next.

  5. For File to Export, Browse to the location to which you want to export the certificate. For File name, name the certificate file. Then, click Next.

  6. Click Finish to export the certificate.

  7. Your certificate is successfully exported.

  8. The exported certificate looks similar to this:

  9. If you open the exported certificate using Notepad, you see something similar to this example. The section in blue contains the information that is uploaded to Azure. If you open your certificate with Notepad and it does not look similar to this, typically this means you did not export it using the Base-64 encoded X.509(.CER) format. Additionally, if you want to use a different text editor, understand that some editors can introduce unintended formatting in the background. This can create problems when uploaded the text from this certificate to Azure.

Export the self-signed root certificate and private key to store it (optional)

You may want to export the self-signed root certificate and store it safely as backup. If need be, you can later install it on another computer and generate more client certificates. To export the self-signed root certificate as a .pfx, select the root certificate and use the same steps as described in Export a client certificate.

Export the client certificate

When you generate a client certificate, it's automatically installed on the computer that you used to generate it. If you want to install the client certificate on another client computer, you need to export the client certificate that you generated.

  1. To export a client certificate, open Manage user certificates. The client certificates that you generated are, by default, located in 'Certificates - Current UserPersonalCertificates'. Right-click the client certificate that you want to export, click all tasks, and then click Export to open the Certificate Export Wizard.

  2. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next to continue.

  3. Select Yes, export the private key, and then click Next.

  4. On the Export File Format page, leave the defaults selected. Make sure that Include all certificates in the certification path if possible is selected. This setting additionally exports the root certificate information that is required for successful client authentication. Without it, client authentication fails because the client doesn't have the trusted root certificate. Then, click Next.

  5. On the Security page, you must protect the private key. If you select to use a password, make sure to record or remember the password that you set for this certificate. Then, click Next.

  6. On the File to Export, Browse to the location to which you want to export the certificate. For File name, name the certificate file. Then, click Next.

  7. Click Finish to export the certificate.

Install an exported client certificate

Each client that connects to the VNet over a P2S connection requires a client certificate to be installed locally.

To install a client certificate, see Install a client certificate for Point-to-Site connections.

Next steps

Continue with your Point-to-Site configuration. Download parallels desktop 10 key generator.

C# Generate Pfx Certificate

  • For Resource Manager deployment model steps, see Configure P2S using native Azure certificate authentication.
  • For classic deployment model steps, see Configure a Point-to-Site VPN connection to a VNet (classic).