1. Generate Public Key Certificate Linux
  2. Generate Public Key Certificate Openssl
  3. Generate Public Key From Certificate Windows

Public Keys, Private Keys, and Certificates

Generate Public Key Certificate Linux

Mar 29, 2016 This tutorial explains how to create a public private keystore for client and server. You can use these keystores to secure communication between client and server. Following steps are required for generating a public private keystore. See Example: SSL Certificate - Generate a Key and CSR. Tableau Server uses Apache, which includes OpenSSL. You can use the OpenSSL toolkit to generate a key file and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) which can then be used to obtain a signed SSL certificate. Steps to generate a key. To generate the public/private key pair, enter this in the Command Prompt: ssh-keygen At the first prompt, “Enter file in which to save the key,” press Enter to save it in the default location. Jun 09, 2019  This article describes how to recover a private key after you use the Certificates Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in to delete the original certificate in Internet Information Services (IIS). You delete the original certificate from the personal folder in the local computer's certificate store.

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When performing authentication, SSL uses a technique called public-key cryptography.

Public-key cryptography is based on the concept of a key pair,which consists of a public key and a privatekey. Data that has been encrypted with a public key canbe decrypted only with the corresponding private key. Conversely,data that has been encrypted with a private key can be decrypted onlywith the corresponding public key.

The owner of the key pair makes the public key available toanyone, but keeps the private key secret.

A certificate verifies that anentity is the owner of a particular public key.

Generate Public Key Certificate Openssl

Certificatesthat follow the X.509 standard contain a data section and a signaturesection. The data section includes such information as:

  • The Distinguished Name of the entity that owns thepublic key

  • The Distinguished Name of the entity that issued thecertificate

  • The period of time during which the certificate isvalid

  • The public key itself

You can obtain a certificate from a Certificate Authority(CA) such as VeriSign. Alternately, you can createa self-signed certificate, in which the ownerand the issuer are the same.

Generate Public Key From Certificate Windows

An organization that issues certificates can establish a hierarchyof CAs. The root CA has a self-signed certificate. Each subordinateCA has a certificate that is signed by the next highest CA in thehierarchy. A certificate chain isthe certificate of a particular CA, plus the certificates of any higherCAs up through the root CA.

One of the most common forms of cryptography today is public-key cryptography helps to communicate two system by encrypting information using the public key and information can be decrypted using private key. These keys are using mainly on login to server securely and also transferring data securely.

We can generate these private public keys by various ways.

1) By using openssl.

with password encryption

Generate public key:

2) By using ssh keygen

3) using putty-gen for windows.

Download puttyGen from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html and run it.

You can select one of the key types, SSH-1, SSH-2, and SSH-2 DSA.
SSH-2 is probably better than others but you have to make sure if your system supports SSH-2, if your system ( server) doesnt support it then you better off with SSH-1.

Level of encryption can be set from “Number of bits in a generated key” . Security level can be enhance by using 2048 but again make sure where you are using it and thus follow the recommendation for this value. I prefer 2048 but even with 1024 is much more secure.

Click on generate to create keys. Move your mouse over the empty space to help puttygen to genereate random variables.

Once the key is generated you will see following window.

If you want to login without password ( in case of ssh login) you can put your passphase empty. click on Save Public key and Save private key to save your keys.

When you save private key it will be saved in ppk format which you can use putty to login to your system.

We can get private key for openSSH by clicking on Conversions->Export OpenSSH key

If you want to use ssh to login with these generated key / pair then
copy public key ( mykey.pub) to .ssh/authorized_key.

Generating Self sign certificate: