1. Ubiquiti Ssh Authorized_keys Generated Error
  2. Ubiquiti Ssh Authorized_keys Generated Download

Better secure your Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X using SSH login certificates! Open PuTTYGen.exe and click on Generate to create the public and private key pair. Click on “Save public key” naming it edgerouter.pub then click on “Save private key” naming it edgerouter-pri.ppk. Tectia Server supports also user public keys generated with OpenSSH. The OpenSSH keys can be configured the same way as described above for keys generated with Tectia Client. Alternatively, the OpenSSH-style authorized keys file can be specified in the ssh-server-config.xml file by using the openssh-authorized-keys-file attribute.

If the key generation was successful, you should be offered with the following options. It is a good practice because if your key is compromised without your knowledge, the expiry date will limit the lifetime of your public and private keys. Generator Click on 'Finish' to finish the processNow we move forward with setting an expiry date on the keys. Warning: Never reuse your passwordsChoose a brand-new passphrase that you have never used on any other service (e.g. Gmail) before.

Lets say you have a private/public key pair that you use to login to your server via SSH and you lose the public key, either it was deleted or corrupt and you don’t want to have to regenerate a new pair what options do you have? In this post I will demonstrate how to regenerate a public key from the corresponding private key that you still have.

Generate public key and store into a file

It is a simple one liner command to generate a public key from a private key, so lets say our private key is named ‘user@myserver.key’ and we want to generate the public key and name it ‘authorized_keys’. Below is the command to do this.

user@workstation:~$rsync-avz--remove-source-files authorized_keys user@remote_server_ip_address:/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
sent95bytes received43bytes92.00bytes/sec

At this point our public key file is on our server where it is supposed to be in our users ‘.ssh’ directory.

Set proper permissions for public key

Lastly we will need to make sure our permissions are set properly on our public key to prevent anyone else tampering with it. We should give our key file RW, R, R permissions, below is the command to properly set permission on the key.